Home :: DVD :: Drama :: Audrey Hepburn Collection (1964) Breakfast At Tiffanys/Sabrina/Roman Holiday/Funny Face/Paris When It Sizzles. (DVD)

Audrey Hepburn Collection (1964) Breakfast At Tiffanys/Sabrina/Roman Holiday/Funny Face/Paris When It Sizzles. (DVD)

Audrey Hepburn Collection (1964) Breakfast At Tiffanys/Sabrina/Roman Holiday/Funny Face/Paris When It Sizzles. (DVD)
PG, Parental Guidance
Paramount Pictures
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Box-set collection of five of Audrey Hepburn's most famous films. Roman Holiday (1953) In her Hollywood debut, Hepburn won an Academy Award as Princess Anne, the bored royal who absconds from her duties and meets up with Gregory Peck's American ex-pat journalist. Sabrina Fair (1954) Billy Wilder directs her as the shy daughter of a wealthy family's chauffeur, who returns from two years in Paris as a sophisticated young woman. Funny Face (1957) The musical romantic comedy sees Hepburn playing alongside Fred Astaire to the music of Gershwin as a young bookshop clerk transformed into an international fashion model. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) Adapted from the Truman Capote novella, Breakfast At Tiffany's sees Hepburn in her archetypal role as dizzy call-girl Holly Golightly, trying not to fall for George Peppard's failed writer in New York. Paris When it Sizzles (1964) Hepburn plays a secretary hired to help alcoholic writer Richard Benson (William Holden) finish up a screenplay for a Hollywood producer, with only two days until the end of his deadline.

Roman Holiday:
Photo Galleries
Edith Head: The Paramount Years
Teaser Trailer
Re-Release Theatrical Trailer
Teaser Trailer #2
Remembering Roman Holiday / Restoring Roman Holiday
Sabrina Fair:
Sabrina Documentary
Funny Face:
The Fashion Designer And His Muse
Parisian Dreams
Retrospecitve Featurette: Paramount in the 50's
Photo Gallery
Theatrical Trailer
Breakfast At Tiffany's:
Commentary by Producer Richard Shepherd
Making of A Classic
It's So Audrey: Style Icon
Brilliance In A Blue Box
Audrey's Letters To Tiffany
Original Theatrical Trailer
Paris When It Sizzles:
Theatrical Trailer